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KON4M 99
July 1999

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JFK Jr. - Proof of Coverup!

John Quinn (

For those who still don't want to think the unthinkable about the disappearance of JFK Jr., I show here proof POSITIVE that the news NOW being disseminated about what happened to Kennedy has been DOCTORED and MANIPULATED SIGNIFICANTLY!

In proof of such, I quote here from a news item typical of those from within the first 12 hours after the plane's disappearance. Note that this article like many others specifically states that at 9:39 PM Kennedy RADIOED the Martha's Vineyard airport, gave not the slightest indication of trouble, and said he was making his final approach, no more than TEN MILES from the shore and 13 miles from the airport.

ALL such reports of the VERIFIED fact that Kennedy was in radio contact with the destination airport and within TEN MILES of shore have vanished from the "official" accounts now being propounded by the mass media outlets, in a blatant example of spin-doctoring and disinformation/manipulation.

Additionally, ALL early accounts noted that within seconds of this radio contact by Kennedy, a plane which COULD have been Kennedy's was observed on radar descending 1200 feet in 12 SECONDS--a full-on, headlong dive in other words.

NOW, the "official" line has it that these SAME radar returns in fact show the plane--now described as "definitely" Kennedy's--to have descended 700 feet in 29 seconds--a fairly steep descent but not out of the question.

More importantly, this later damage-controlled, spin-doctored version is A LIE. The earlier news stories carried the truth about these points, which prove that the plane was in a crash SECONDS AFTER KENNEDY RADIOED THE MARTHA'S VINEYARD TOWER, at which time ALL WAS WELL! These facts, now neatly edited out of the sanitized, New World Order "news"/fiction literally prove that either mechanical failure or pilot error was almost certainly NOT the cause of the plane's apparent disintegration and disappearance, along with all on board.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.


c 1999 World News

All rights reserved


...Kennedy, a licensed private pilot, was expected to arrive at Martha's Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts in his Piper Saratoga II TC sometime before 10 p.m. Friday.

At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13 miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to WCVB-TV news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his _nal approach. Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12 seconds, according to ABC News.

In his _nal approach message, WCVB-TV said Kennedy told controllers at the airport that he planned to drop off his wife's sister and then take off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for Hyannis Airport....


Suddenly by Sunday the story went like this. Notice ALL mention of Kennedy's radio contact with Martha's Vineyard airport is now GONE.


CNN News

What was known is that he left Fairfield, N.J., at 8:38 p.m. Friday with visibility reported at 4 to 5 miles. His flight path took him over the Connecticut shore, and after passing over the southwestern tip of Rhode Island at 9:26 p.m., the plane headed toward Martha's Vineyard, said Robert Pearce, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board.

The plane was at 5,600 feet when it headed out over the ocean. At 9:40 p.m., about 17 to 18 miles west of Martha's Vineyard, it was at 2,500 feet. When it was last detected, 29 seconds later, it was at 1,800 feet, about 16 miles west of the Vineyard.


ABC News

...The National Transportation Safety Board's chief investigator for the accident, Robert Pearce, said experts had discovered that the plane piloted by Kennedy made a sudden drop of 700 feet to 1,800 feet in 29 seconds just after 9:40 p.m. EDT Friday, below the level than can be tracked by radar.

He refused to say whether this sudden drop was abnormal and added, "Seven hundred feet in 29 seconds would relate to about 1,400 feet per minute, which was within the airplane's capabilities."...


And here below is an article in which JFK Jr.'s flight instructor describes Kennedy as an "excellent pilot". This seems especially significant in view of the fact that some media outlets--in particular British tabloids--are now savaging Kennedy as a reckless, careless, thrill-seeking spoiled brat who, with at most 35 hours flying time, had no business flying in the dark. According to my own personal knowledge of this region and considering the reported weather conditions I can say it all adds up to pretty safe flying conditions--and a plane piloted by someone described here as first-rate.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.


ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) -- A federal pilot examiner who tested John F. Kennedy Jr.'s flying skills said he was an "excellent pilot," a newspaper reported Sunday....

..."He was an excellent pilot," John McColgan of Vero Beach, Florida, told the Orlando Sentinel. "I put him through the paces, and he passed everything with flying colors."...

...He said Kennedy had a lot of flight experience for someone with a pilot's license for 15 months...

"He flew a lot," McColgan said. "In fact, by now he probably has ENOUGH HOURS TO BE A COMMERCIAL PILOT. He had more than 100 hours when he came to me for his flight check."

c 1999 CNN


I say something IS DEFINITELY wrong with this whole picture.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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