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KON4M 99
September 1999

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Waco Newspage

Sometimes a "new" news story seems a bit old to us folks at The Konformist. The recent "revelations" on the mass murder at Waco certainly have that feeling. After all, almost everything which is suddenly being discovered has been known by Konformers for quite awhile.

Having said that, it is good to see the news finally getting some coverage, even if the motivation for it's promotion is actually quite cynical in nature. To begin with, there are reactionary politicians - such as "former" CIA man Bob Barr - who have little real concern for civil liberties using the tragedy to promote their own scary agenda. Then there's the fact that the revelations are being aided by the Texas National Guard, under the control of Governor George W. Bush, who coincidentally stands to gain from the Klinton-Gore scandal misfortune which is sure to follow.

Cynical as the revelations may be motivated, it still is about time, and we at The Konformist will keep you informed on all breaking news.

Please forward any other suggested links to


"Why Waco?"

Waco and the Drug Mafia

A Konformist Klassic from The Vault.

Beast of the Month October 1999: Richard Rogers

3 Of 4 Deltas Just Killed In "Training Acidents" Were At Waco!


Yahoo! On Waco

Dallas Morning News: Waco Re-examined

Dallas Morning News

Time On Waco


Waco: The Rules of Engagement

Script for Waco: The Rules of Engagement

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV


The Ashes of Waco




Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum

Waco: The Inside Story

Includes frequently asked questions, a chronology of the siege, and a biography of David Koresh. From the PBS Frontline web site.

Introduction to the Branch Davidians


Tear Gas and the Branch Davidian Standoff

U.S. Army data sheet and operating instructions on the M651 CS cartridge teargas grenade, the device that a former FBI official said was used at the standoff, as well as prior statements by federal officials and weapons experts that the CS tear gas used at Waco was nonpyrotechnic. From The Dallas Morning News.

1993 Treasury Department Branch Davidian Search Warrant

Includes the ground for search and seizure on the compound. From The Smoking Gun.

Courtesty of Bill Cooper

"Oh dear... my coverup is coming off... gettin mighty cold hangin out here... maybe if I do a hot little dance for the children... Anybody got a lite?"


Office of the Attorney General: Janet Reno

Texas Department of Public Safety: Texas Rangers

John Danforth Bio

From Getting It:

Janet Rambo


Koresh Went Shooting with ATF Agents


David T. Hardy's Waco Background Information


Waco's Lesson: It's Bad to Attack White People

Ken Layne

September 3, 1999


Sen. John Danforth Stock Holdings

Mother Jones

November 1995


The Waco Before Waco



Waco Again

Dallas Morning News



Janet Reno and the Feds

The Economist



The Truth about Waco




Alexander Cockburn: Waco: A Sickening Failure of American Journalism

Seattle Times



Great Balls of Fire




The FBI's Fall

Charlotte Observer



Fanning the Flames of Waco

Cato Institute



The Time for Truth on Waco

Chicago Tribune



Janet Reno's Truth: She Keeps Changing It

Jewish World Review



Janet Reno Must Go

Investor's Business Daily



Official Accountability

Dallas Morning News



Sifting Waco's Ashes

Boston Review



Waco and the Feds

The Economist



FBI Handling of Waco Siege Questioned



How Reno's Court Action Helps Fuel Waco Fires




Big Government. Small Missteps. Big Consequences?




The Waco Flame-Up




The Tragedy of Waco Still Haunts Nation

Baltimore Sun



Waco's Lasting Lesson

World Net Daily



Branch Davidian Fallout

Dallas Morning News



Six-year Cover-up Cracks: FBI Admits Use of Incendiary Grenades at Waco

World Socialist Web Site



More doubt over Waco

Seattle Times



Silence on Waco evidence

World Net Daily



Incendiary munitions found in Waco wreckage?

Las Vegas Review-Journal


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