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KON4M 99
September 1999

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Acharya S (


The book the Ruling Elite does NOT want you to read!

If you're hip to the political conspiracy, why do you still believe what so-called religious authorities tell you?

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold reveals that "Jesus Christ" is an amalgamation of older godmen, saviors and heroes, created by a multinational cabal of religions, cults, mystery schools and secrets societies in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion. (

If you want to free yourself from the authoritarian BORG, you MUST read The Christ Conspiracy. Find out how religion represents a brainwashing ideology designed to control and exploit the masses. Also discover:

How the gospel story was forged at the University and Library of Alexandria.

Who or what Abraham, Noah, Moses, Joshua, Solomon, David, Mary, Joseph, Paul and the 12 Disciples are.

Where biblical fables originate and how the "astrotheology" they represent is found around the globe for thousands of years prior to the Christian era.

And MUCH more.

The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S is SURE to shake up your reality and provide a more comprehensive and unifying perspective of human culture.

For an autographed copy, please consider a donation of $25 or more to the Center for the Research and Study of Theology (CRST). Make checks or money orders payable to CRST and send to:


c/o Paul Kenney

22815 Ventura #955

Woodland Hills, CA 91364



Or, for the cheaper, unsigned version, please go to Amazon at

(BTW, the book is not 256 but is over 400 pages long. . . )

Have fun - a single candle can light a whole forest!

And help transform and liberate people.

Thank you very much for your past and future enthusiasm! Also, I am indebted to many people who have assisted me in getting to this point - please pat yourselves on the back!

Acharya S

Archaeologist, Historian, Mythologist and Linguist

Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece

Associate Director, Institute for Historical Accuracy


Controversial and explosive, The Christ Conspiracy marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence that the religion of Christianity and Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion! This powerful book maintains that these groups drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that already existed long before the Christian era and reworked them into the story the Christian religion presents today-known to most Westerners as the Bible.

Author Acharya makes the case that there was no actual person named Jesus, but that several characters were rolled into one mythic being inspired by the deities Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others of the Roman Empire. She demonstrates that the story of Jesus, as portrayed in the Gospels, is nearly identical in detail to those of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, and concludes that Jesus was certainly neither original nor unique, nor was he the divine revelation. Rather, he represents the very ancient body of knowledge derived from celestial observation and natural forces.

A book that will initiate heated debate and inner struggle, it is intelligently written and referenced. The only book of its kind, it is destined for controversy.

About the Author

Acharya S is an archeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist. This is her first book.


In Defense of Jesus Christ

The House Of Blasphemy

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