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Just what is AIDS? What causes it? The official version is that these issues have been resolved. The reality is that the debate has hardly begun. While the korporate media beatifies David Ho as a saint for his extremely expensive "AIDS cocktails" that supposedly treat the disease, there is an impressive list of doctors who question the thesis that AIDS is a viral infection caused by HIV. There is even widespread doubt if AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease. Among those doubting the official story are Dr. Peter Duesberg (once one of the more respected molecular biologists who was blackballed thanks to his AIDS dissident views), Dr. Kerry B. Mullis (a Nobel-prize winner and inventor of the most elaborate HIV detection machine), and Gary Null. Even Luc Montaigne, the discoverer of the HIV virus, now believes that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, a fact that is rarely mentioned. No matter what actually causes what is termed AIDS (and a majority of the victims may be killed by the supposed drugs given for treatment), there is strong evidence to suggest that a some of the deaths are due to biological warfare experiments. Among the greatest promoters of the biowarfare theory are Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Dr. Alan Cantwell. Certainly the fact that AIDS has targeted politicall impotent groups such as gays, blacks, drug addicts, and people in Third World countries certainly is a suspicious sign. The main alternative views on AIDS are not imcompatible, but there is heavy disagreements between those promoting the seperate theories. Rather than choose sides, The Konformist has decided to present both theories to you readers and let you decide for yourself.
Dr. Peter Duesberg's website. Bob Guccione, Jr. in Spin Sept. 1993 Thorough site with hundreds of pages.
Tetrahedron is a Educational Corporation that provides the public with resources and products to create and sustain health. We educate people around the world on public health matters that concern all humanity. Discover information on health in body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Take a look at Tetrahedron's best selling book: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola; Nature, Accident, or Intentional? This highly acclaimed and controversial book -- written by Dr. Leonard Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH -- challenges what most people believe is gospel about AIDS and emerging viruses. Tetrahedron will broaden your social, political, and scientific perspectives. Email : tetra@tetrahedron.org 206 N. 4th Ave Sandpoint, ID. 83864 U.S.A. Tel. 208-265-2575 Fax, 208-265-2775 (office) Order Line: 888-508-4787
Check out what the Pentagon was planning on this ironically chosen date. IS HIV A MAN-MADE VIRUS DESIGNED TO KILL BLACKS AND GAYS? Secrets and Lies of the First Two Decades of AIDS (1979-1999)
Kirby The Konspiracy Boy Says, "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"